MCQ on Nucleus with Answers Pdf:
1. The important structure of the nucleus to perform hereditary functions is_______
(1) nuclear membrane
(2) Nucleolus
(3) Chromatin
(4) nuclear pores
Answer: 3
2. Which of the following can pass through a nuclear pore?
(1) Ribosomal subunits
(2) Mitochondria
(3) mRNA
(4) both (a) and (c)
Answer: 4
3. Name the control center of the eukaryotic cell?
(1) Nucleus
(2) Ribosome
(3) Cytoplasm
(4) Golgi complex
Answer: 1
4. The passage of protein molecules such as enzymes synthesized in the cytoplasm into the nucleus is________
(1) nuclear membrane
(2) nuclear pores
(3) plasmodesmata
(4) endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: 2
5. Which of the following statements is true about chromosomes?
(1) It is present within the nucleus
(2) It carries genes and helps in inheritance
(3) It is composed of DNA in the form of Chromatin and protein
(4) All of the above
Answer: 4
6. The major components of chromosomes in cells are_________
(1) DNA and RNA
(2) DNA and proteins
(3) RNA and protein
(4) RNA and enzymes
Answer: 2
7. Substances in the nucleus that are easily stained dark by basic dyes are________
(1) Nucleolus
(2) nuclear membrane
(3) nuclear pores
(4) Chromatin
Answer: 4
8. Which of the following is not true for chromatin?
(1) Organized structure of DNA and protein
(2) These are highly condensed DNA
(3) It is found in the nucleus
(4) It contains a single dsDNA
Answer: 1
9. The nucleus is an important structure of the cell. Which of the following statements about the nucleus is correct_________
(1) The nuclear membrane is a single-layer membrane
(2) The nucleus contains mitochondria
(3) There is no DNA in the nucleus
(4) Nuclear pores are passages through which substances pass in and out of the nucleus
Answer: 4
10. Which of the following statements about chromosomes is incorrect____________
(1) Chromosomes are substances in the nucleus that are easily stained dark by basic dyes
(2) Different from the chemical composition of chromatin
(3) In the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
(4) The main components of chromosomes are proteins and DNA
Answer: 2
11. Which of the following is not a component of the nucleus?
(1) Chromosome
(2) Nucleolus
(3) Cytoplasm
(4) Nuclear envelope
Answer: 3
12. The nucleus is composed of nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus, and nuclear pores. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(1) The nuclear membrane is a double-layered membrane that separates the nuclear material from the cells
(2) Chromatin is mainly composed of DNA and proteins
(3) The nucleolus is involved in the synthesis of certain RNAs and the formation of ribosomes
(4) Nuclear pores enable communication between cells
Answer: 4
13. In a normal human being, the number of chromosomes is___________
(1) 23
(2) 46
(3) 53
(4) 26
Answer: 2
14. Which of the following statements about the nucleus is incorrect________
(1) There are substances in the nucleus that are easily stained dark by basic dyes
(2) The nucleolus is an organelle involved in the formation of ribosomes
(3) Nuclear pores are the channels through which macromolecular substances such as mRNA and enzymes enter and leave the nucleus
(4) The basic scaffold of the nuclear membrane is the phospholipid bilayer
Answer: 2
15. Mark the INCORRECT statement about nuclear lamina.
(1) Filaments present in the inner membrane of the nucleus
(2) Made up of lamin proteins
(3) Provide mechanical support to the nucleus
(4) It has bounded with the ribosomes
Answer: 4
16. Which of the following statements about the nucleus is true
(1) There are various enzymes on the nuclear membrane of eukaryotic cells, which are conducive to the smooth progress of various chemical reactions, etc.
(2) The nuclear membrane of the nucleus is a single-layer membrane, and one membrane is composed of two layers of phospholipid molecules
(3) There are nuclear pores in the nuclear membrane of eukaryotic cells, through which macromolecules such as DNA can enter the cytoplasm
(4) The nucleoids of prokaryotic cells are indistinguishable from the nuclei of eukaryotic cells except that they have no nuclear membrane
Answer: A
17. Find the incorrect statement_______
(1) nucleoli are synthesised around nucleolar organizing regions
(2) only one nucleolus is found in the nucleus
(3) transcription of rDNA occurs in the fibrillar centre
(4) nucleolus contains a high concentration of iron in various plant species
Answer: 2
18. Among the structures and functions of the nuclear and cell membranes, the nuclear envelope is unique in that__________
(1) The function of material exchange
(2) Double membrane structure
(3) Glycoproteins have important functions in cell life activities
(4) With a large number of various enzymes, it is conducive to the smooth progress of various chemical reactions
Answer: 2