Genetic Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

Genetic Engineering MCQ with Answers Pdf

1. Who is the father of genetic engineering?

A.. Watson.

B. Gregor Mendel.

C. Heinrich Anton de Bary.

D. Paul Berg.

Answer: D

2. rDNA technology is known as?

A. Genetic engineering.

B. Genetic recombinant.

C. Genetic improvement.

D. None of the above.

Answer: A

3. Which is the first step of rDNA technology?

A. Isolation of genetic material.

B. Insertion of rDNA into Hlhost.

C. Cutting the gene at the recognition sites.

D. Ligation of DNA molecules.

Answer: A

4. Which of the following is produced commercially using genetically engineered bacteria?

A. thyroxine

B. human insulin

C. testosterone

D. penicillin

Answer: B

5. Which of the following is not a tool of genetic engineering ?

A. Cloning vector

B. Restriction enzyme

C. Foreign DNA


Answer: D

6. The ideal size of a cloning vector (Plasmid) should be less than_____ 

A. 10 kb

B. 100 kb

C. 1000 kb

D. 1 MB

Answer: A

7. DNA sequencing is carried out by______

A. Maxam Gilbert method

B. Sanger dideoxy method

C. Both a and b

D. Watson and Crick

Answer: C

8. What is a tumour-inducing plasmid widely used in producing transgenic plants?

A. Escherichia coli

B. Bacillus thuringiensis

C. Staphylococcus aureus

D. Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Answer: D

9. In E.coli, recombinant DNA technology can be used to produce the biologically active form of which of the following?

A. Luteinizing hormone

B. Ecdysone

C. Rifamycin

D. nterferon

Answer: D

10. The enzymes which are commonly used in genetic engineering are_______

A. Endonuclease and ligase

B. Restriction endonuclease and polymerase

C. Ligase and polymerase

D. Restriction endonuclease and ligase

Answer: D

11. Which of the following statements are correct about Plasmids

A. Plasmids are circular molecules of DNA.

B. Plasmids show an independent existence in the bacterial cell.

C. Plasmids carry one or more genes.

D. All of these 

Answer: D

12. The four steps of an rDNA experiment are

A. First step is generating DNA fragments.

B. Second step is cutting and joining the DNA fragments to vector DNA molecules.

C. Third step is introducing the vectors carrying the foreign DNA into host cells.

D. Fourth is selecting the clone of recipient cells.

E. All of these 

Answer: E

13. Which of the following statements about genetic engineering is true_______

A. The "needle and thread" of genetic engineering is DNA polymerase

B. The recipient cell of the gene of interest is called the carrier

C. Genetic engineering enables targeted interspecific gene recombination

D. At present, there is controversy about the safety of genetically modified food, and relevant research should be stopped

Answer: C

14. Sometimes, genetic engineering of mammalian cells is necessary to produce proteins because they

A. can produce larger quantities of protein than bacteria

B. can read eukaryotic genes and bacteria cannot

C. can add sugars to make glycoproteins and bacteria cannot

D. are easier to grow than bacteria

Answer: C

15. What does GEAC stand for?

A. Genome Engineering Action Committee

B. Ground Environment Action Committee

C. Genetic Engineering Approval Committee

D. Genetic and Environment Approval committee

Answer: C

16. Which of the following statements is true_____

A. Ligases join nucleic acid molecules.

B. Polymerases make copies of molecules.

C. Modifying enzymes remove or add chemical groups.

D. All of these 

Answer: D

17. Genetically modified foods are associated with which of the following risk combinations?

I. Toxicity

II. Allergic reaction

III. Antibiotic resistance in micro-organisms present in the alimentary canal

A. I and II

B. I, II and III

C. I and III

D. II and III

Answer: B

18. What is the main objective of producing herbicide-resistant GM crops?

A. to encourage eco-friendly herbicides

B. reduce herbicide accumulation in food articles for health safety

C. eliminate weeds from fields without the use of manual labour

D. eliminate weeds from the fields without the use of herbicides

Answer: C

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