MCQ on Viruses Pdf

Multiple Choice Questions on Viruses

1. Which of the following organisms does not have a cellular structure is_______

A. fungus

B. bacteria

C. Virus

D. amoeba

Answer: C

2. Mad cow disease is caused by which of the following viruses______

A. bacteria

B. Fungi 

C. Prion

D. SARS virus

Answer: C

3. Microorganisms that must be observed with an electron microscope are_____

A. bacteria

B. yeast

C. mushroom

D. Virus

Answer: D

4. The shell and core of a bacteriophage are_______

A. lipids, proteins

B. lipids, nucleic acids

C. protein, nucleic acid

D. nucleic acid, protein

Answer: C

5. Viruses that can effectively control pine caterpillars are_____

A. animal virus

B. plant virus

C. bacteriophage

D. human virus

Answer: A

6. Bacteriophages are viruses that live in cells_______

A. plant

B. animal

C. bacteria

D. people

Answer: C

7. Which of the following is not a type of virus______

A. animal virus

B. plant virus

C. Prion

D. Bacterial virus

Answer: C

8. Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus?

A. Ascariasis

B. Tinea pedis

C. Bacillary dysentery


Answer: D

9. Which of the following virus types are the pathogens that can cause "bird flu" to chickens and ducks_________

A. Microbial viruses                     

B. plant virus  

C. Invertebrate viruses                 

D. Vertebrate virus 

Answer: D

10. Shigella phage belongs to_____

A. Bacterial virus    

B. animal virus    

C. plant virus    

D. human virus

Answer: A

11. Which of the following statements about viruses, bacteria and fungi is correct______

A. decomposers in the ecosystem

B. Viruses are made up of cells

C. Bacteria have a formed nucleus

D. Fungi can only use readily available organic matter

Answer: D

12. The following belong to a group of animal viruses are:

A. Influenza virus, hepatitis virus

B. Influenza virus, tobacco mosaic virus

C. Tobacco mosaic virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus

D. Shigella phage, HIV

Answer: A

13. Viruses are divided into animal viruses, plant viruses and bacterial viruses, and they are classified in this way on the basis of_______

A. According to their different structures

B. Depending on their host

C. According to their food

D. According to their degree of harm to humans

Answer: D

14. Which of the following statements is incorrect about viruses_______

A. Viruses can't live on their own

B. virus camp parasitic life

C. Viruses have cell walls

D. Viruses can only be seen with an electron microscope

Answer: C

15. Which of the following statements about bacteriophages is incorrect________

A. able to reproduce offspring

B. must be parasitized in living human cells

C. Without living cells, life activities cannot be carried out

D. Consists of a protein coat and the genetic material inside

Answer: B

16. AIDS is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which of the following statements about the virus is correct_______

A. cellular structure

B. Consists of a protein coat and the genetic material inside

C. Able to live independently on culture medium

D. to observe with an optical microscope

Answer: B

17. Viruses are living things, the following incorrect explanation for this is_____

A. able to reproduce

B. Has a metabolic function

C. have a certain degree of adaptability

D. Contain its own machinery 

Answer: D

18. Viroids differ from viruses in having_________

A. DNA molecules without protein coat

B. RNA molecules with protein coat

C. RNA molecules without protein coat

D. DNA molecules with protein coat

Answer: C

19. Which of the following organisms or cells cannot synthesize proteins_____

A. Lactic acid bacteria

b. avian influenza virus

C. mesophyll cells

D. salivary gland cells

Answer: B

20. Which of the following statements is wrong for viroids?

A. They lack a protein coat

B. They are smaller than viruses

C. They cause infections

D. Their RNA is of high molecular weight

Answer: D

21. In the following description, viruses can be distinguished from other microorganisms by______

A. Can make people, animals or plants sick

B. No nucleus, only nucleic acid

C. Parasitic

D. Propagation by nucleic acid and protein assembly

Answer: D

22. A virus is made up of_______

A. Protein coat and nucleic acid

B. Protein coat and mitochondria

C. Nucleic acid and cell membrane

D. Nucleic acid, cell wall and cell membrane

Answer: A

23. When a virus invades the human body, it will hinder the respiration of cells, thereby affecting the normal physiological functions of the human body. So, this virus is likely to act on_________

A. mitochondria

B. centrosome

C. ribosome

D. Golgi apparatus

Answer: A

24. The protein coat of viruses that enclose the genetic material is called _______

A. Virion

B. Capsid

C. Peplomers

D. Capsomers

Answer: B

25. The SARS pathogen is a coronavirus whose genetic material is a single-stranded RNA. Of the following statements about the SARS virus, which is correct?

A. Can synthesize a variety of proteins in host cells

B. DNA and RNA coexist

C. Can live independently and reproduce

D. contains simple organelles

Answer: A

26. Which of the following is the genome of the virus?




D. DNA and RNA

Answer: C

27. Influenza A N1H1 virus can reproduce in host cells, mainly because the virus______

A. The genome mutates too quickly

B. The process of gene replication and expression is too simple

C. The structure of genes and proteins is very similar to the host

D. Gene replication and expression using host cell enzymes

Answer: D

28. The proliferation process of the virus needs to be completed in the host cell for reasons other than:

A. Requires host cells to provide ribosomes and tRNA

B. Requires host cells to provide various enzymes and ATP

C. Requires host cells to provide mRNA

D. Requires host cells to provide various raw materials

Answer: C

29. Which one of the following statements about viruses is correct ?

A. Nucleic acid of viruses is known as capsid

B. Viruses possess their own metabolic system

C. All viruses contain both RNA and DNA

D. Viruses are obligate parasites

Answer: D

30. Which of the following statements about viruses is correct_______

A. Phages normally proliferate in plant cells

B. Viruses can be used as vectors for genetic engineering

C. Penicillin can effectively inhibit the proliferation of influenza virus

D. Cancer develops completely unrelated to viral infection

Answer: B

31. Which statement is wrong for viruses?

A. All are parasites

B. All of them have helical symmetry

C. They have ability to synthesize nucleic  acids and proteins

D. Antibiotics have no effect on them

Answer: B

32. Which of the following statements about viruses is correct__________

A. Tobacco mosaic virus can proliferate independently of host cells

B. The nucleic acid of influenza virus is located on the outer envelope of the capsid

C. Enteroviruses can grow and proliferate on high-temperature sterilized media

D. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Can Cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Answer: D

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