MCQ on Chloroplast Pdf

Chroplast Multiple Choice Questions

1. The sites where photosynthesis takes place are:

A. Chlorophyll

B. Chloroplast

C. Nucleus 

D. chloroplast substrate

Answer: B

2. Who first discovered chloroplast?

A. J Rhodin

B. Robert Porter

C. Camillo Golgi

D. Konstantin Mereschkowski

Answer : D

3. Extranuclear DNA is found in___

A. Ribosome

B. Chloroplast

C. Golgi apparatus

D. endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: B

4. The mass of chloroplast DNA is __________

A. 10 – 15 million daltons

B. 50 – 100 million daltons

C. 80 – 130 million daltons

D. 25 – 125 million daltons

Answer : C

5. What is the chemical formula of chlorophyll a?

A. C45H72MgN4O5

B. C55H72MgN4O5

C. C55H72MnN4O5

D. C45H72MnN4O5

Answer : B

6. Thylakoid membrane produces ATP by the process of___

A. photosynthesis

B. chemiosmosis

C. chemosynthesis

D. respiration

Answer : B

7. During photosynthesis, the absorption of light energy occurs in the chloroplast

A. on the intima

B. In the matrix

C. On the thylakoid membrane

D. on the adventitia

Answer: C

8. Pigments in the chloroplasts of higher plants can be divided into two categories, they are_______

A. Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b b

B. Carotenoids and lutein

C. Carotene and lutein

D. Chlorophyll and carotenoids

Answer: D

9. Which of the following process occur in the chloroplast matrix______

A. Photolysis of water

B. Electron transfer

C. Absorption of light energy

D. Hydrolysis of ATP

Answer: D

10. Pigments that absorb light energy are distributed in_____

A. On the outer membrane of the chloroplast

B. On the membrane of the thylakoid

C. On the inner membrane of the chloroplast

D. in the stroma of the chloroplast

Answer: B

11. Where plants fix carbon dioxide______

A. Cytoplasmic matrixB

B. Chloroplast sac-like structure

C. Chloroplast matrix

D. on the endoplasmic reticulum membrane

Answer: C

12. In the dark room for plant experiments, in order to reduce the intensity of plant photosynthesis as much as possible, it is best to install______

A. red light

B. green light

C. Incandescent light

D. blue light

Answer: B

13. Chlorophyll in plant leaves under sunlight_______

A. Absorbs a large amount of green light

B. It absorbs light of different wavelengths in equal amounts

C. Mainly absorb blue-violet and green light

D. Mainly absorbs blue-violet and red light

Answer: D

14. The site where ATP is formed in photosynthesis is_______

A. Chloroplast outer membrane

B. Chloroplast inner membrane

C. Chloroplast matrix

D. thylakoid

Answer: D

15. What is false about the role of chloroplast pigments in photosynthesis_______

A. Chloroplast pigments are involved in the synthesis of ATP

B. Chloroplast pigments are involved in the breakdown of ATP

C. Chloroplast pigments are involved in the formation of O 2 and [H]

D. Chloroplast pigments absorb and transmit light energy

Answer: B

16. False statement about chloroplast pigment_______

A. Chlorophyll a and b mainly absorb red and blue-violet light

B. Chlorophyll and carotenoid content in green leaves is different

C. Four chloroplast pigments can be separated by paper chromatography

D. Ethanol-extracted chloroplast pigments cannot absorb light energy

Answer: D

17. Chloroplast is the place where plants perform photosynthesis. The following statements about the structure and function of chloroplast are correct:

A. The production of O 2 in photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast matrix

B. Chloroplast pigments are mainly distributed in the thylakoid lumen

C. The process of CO 2 fixation occurs in the thylakoid membrane

D. Product of photosynthesis - starch is synthesized in the matrix

Answer: D

18. When the chloroplast photosynthesizes, a flow of electrons is formed inside. The root cause of this light-to-electrical conversion is_______

A. The photolysis of water releases electrons

B. ATP hydrolysis converts chemical energy into electrical energy

C. Synthesis of NADPH to gain electrons

D. Chlorophyll a in a special state is excited by light energy and loses electrons

Answer: D

19. Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis in plants. Which of the following statements about the structure and function of chloroplasts is correct?

A. Chloroplast pigments are mainly distributed in the thylakoid lumen

B. The decomposition of H 2 O into [H] and O 2 under light occurs in the matrix

C. The process of CO 2 fixation occurs in the thylakoid membrane

D. Product of photosynthesis - starch is synthesized in the matrix

Answer: D

20. The roles of carotene and lutein in photosynthesis are______

A. Transmission of light energy, transmission of electrons

B. Transmit light energy, transform light energy

C. Absorb light energy and convert light energy

D. Absorb light energy, transmit light energy

Answer: D

21. The DNA of the chloroplast can direct the synthesis of a small part of its own proteins in the chloroplast. Which of the following statements is incorrect________

A. Chloroplast DNA can be transcribed

B. Chloroplast DNA is the genetic material

C. Ribosomes are present in the chloroplast

D. Chloroplast function is not regulated by the nucleus

Answer: D

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