Transpiration MCQ Questions and Answers Pdf

Multiple Choice Questions on Transpiration:

1. What is transpiration?

A. Transpiration is the process by which aerial part of the plant (mainly leaves) looses water in the form of water vapour.

B. Guttation is the loss of water in the form of water droplets from hydathodes (small pores) on the leaf.

C. Both

D. None of these

Answer: A

2. Loss of water from plants in the form of water vapour is called___________

A. Surface tension

B. Cohesion

C. Ascent of sap

D. Transpiration

Answer: D

3. The transpiration is very essential for plants as it helps plants to

A. cools

B. exchange gases

C. remove water

D. uptake water

Answer: A

4. Plants that are producing watermelons, the water absorbed by their roots is mainly used for________

A. photosynthesis

B. transpiration

C.vine growth

D. swollen fruit

Answer: B

4. The rate of transpiration is increased with the increase in________

A. light

B. temperature

C. wind

D. all of above

Answer: D

5. Wilting of plants result from excessive_________

A. Respiration

B. photosynthesis

C. absorption

D. transpiration

Answer: D

6. The water transpiration is done 90% by the process of__________

A. cuticular transpiration

B. lenticular transpiration

C. stomatal transpiration

D. sweating

Answer: C

7. Which is NOT the form of transpiration?

A. Radical transpiration

B. Cuticular transpiration

C. Lenticular transpiration

D. Stomatal transpiration

Answer: A

8. The two main functions of plant leaves are_______

A. Absorption of minerals and respiration

B. Photosynthesis and transpiration

C. Absorption of water and photosynthesis

D. Photosynthesis and respiration

Answer: B

9. Transpiration that occurs from the vital organ lenticels present on the stem is termed as_______

A. cuticular transpiration

B. stomatal transpiration

C. lenticular transpiration

D. translocation

Answer: C

10. Statements about transpiration, which are incorrect:

A. It is the main driving force for plants to absorb water and mineral elements

B. Facilitates the transport of water in plants

C. Promote the transport of mineral elements in plants

D. Reduce leaf temperature to avoid sunburn

Answer: A

11. Transpiration occurs mainly through the______

A. stomata of leaf

B. epidermis of shoot

C. epidermis of leaf

D. cuticle

Answer: A

12. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT for transpiration?

A. It occurs by stomata, lenticels, and cuticle

B. Water comes out as water vapour

C. It occurs in all plants

D. Root pressure is involved

Answer: D

13. Desert plants often have smaller leaves with smaller stomata. This is beneficial_________

A. Reduced respiration

b. Reduce water loss

c. Improve the efficiency of photosynthesis

D. not eaten by animals

Answer: B

14. In plants ,Transpiration helps_________

A. leaves to become cool only

B. only to prevent leaves being scorched by sun

C. to absorb water

D. leaves to become cool and prevents leaves being scorched by sun

Answer: D

15. Plants lose 99% of their total water absorption through transpiration. Which statement about the meaning of transpiration is incorrect is_________

A. Promotes water absorption

B. Power to absorb inorganic salts

C. Facilitates the transport of water and inorganic salts

D. Lower the temperature of the leaves

Answer: B

16. The main driving force for the absorption and transportation of mineral elements by plants comes from__________

A. Transpiration and photosynthesis

b. photosynthesis and respiration

c. Respiration and transpiration

D. respiration and photosynthesis

Answer: C

17. Through the xylem vessels, the transportation of water (H2O) from its roots to its leave is known as________

A. transpiration stream

B. translocation stream

C. xylem stream

D. osmosis stream

Answer: A

18. Which of the following statements about plant transpiration is correct________

A. Without transpiration, the root system cannot absorb water

B. Without transpiration, the root system cannot absorb mineral elements

C. The loss of water by transpiration causes the root to absorb water, which is a process of consuming ATP

D. Transpiration facilitates the transport of water within the ducts

Answer: D

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