Multiple Choice Questions on In Vitro Fertilization

MCQ on In Vitro Fertilization

1. IVF also known as ___________

A. Test tube baby


C. all

D. none of the above

Answer : A

2. The site of in vitro fertilization is__________

A. in an aqueous solution

B. in a salt solution

C. In capacitation solution or special fertilization solution

D. in alcohol solution

Answer: C

3. Sperm capacitation is occur in________

A. Inside the seminiferous tubules

B. In the testis

C. in semen

D. None of the above

Answer: C

4. "Flushing" means__________

A. Flush the fertilized egg out of the uterus

B. Flush the egg cells out of the uterus

C. Flush the egg cells away for easy collection

D. Flush the embryos out of the uterus

Answer: D

5. How to store semen________

A. high temperature storage

B. Store at room temperature

C. cryptopreservation

D. cryopreservation

Answer: D

6. The following are mammalian in vitro fertilization steps:

① collection of oocytes

② capacitation of sperm

③ deformation of sperm

④ Fertilization

A. ①②④

B. ①②③

C. ①③④

D. ②③④

Answer: A

7. The correct way to do superovulation is____________

A. Oral gonadotropins

B. Gonadotropin injection

C. Oral or injectable gonadotropins

D. None of the above methods are correct

Answer: B

8. Commonly used egg collection methods for in vitro fertilization are:

① After treatment with gonadotropins, oocytes are collected from the fallopian tube;

② Chemical induction method

③ Electrical stimulation method

④ Absorption of oocytes from the ovary of living animals__________

A. ①②

B. ②③

C. ③④

D. ①④

Answer: D

9. Which of the following statements about IVF is incorrect_________

A. It is the product of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer

B. It is a process of sexual reproduction

C. Sperm and egg cells combine in vitro to form a fertilized egg

D. The nucleus of the somatic cell fuses with the cytoplasm of the egg to form a fertilized egg

Answer: D

10. Before in vitro fertilization, sperm_________

A. Purification treatment

B. Capable of processing

C. electrical stimulation

D. Ultrasonic treatment

Answer: B

11. Test tube babies, test tube seedlings and cloned sheep are all outstanding achievements of bioengineering technology. The following statement is correct________

A. Both belong to asexual reproduction to maintain maternal traits

B. Both require the technology of cell engineering

C. Both fully reflect the totipotency of somatic cells

D. no genetic recombination and mutation

Answer: B

12. Which of the following statements about egg collection is incorrect________

A. Some animals are treated with gonadotropins at the time of collection

B. Eggs taken from the fallopian tube can be directly fertilized in vitro with capacitated sperm

C. In some animals, oocytes can be directly aspirated from live ovaries

D. The collected oocytes can also be directly fertilized with capacitated sperm in vitro

Answer: D

13. Which of the following statements about in vitro fertilization is incorrect_________

A. Sperm collection methods include false vagina method, hand holding method and electrical stimulation method

B. Oocytes collected from the ovary must be artificially cultured and matured in vitro before they can be combined with capacitated sperm

C. There are two methods of sperm capacitation in vitro: culture method and chemical culture method

D. In vitro fertilization needs to be carried out in an alcohol solution of suitable concentration

Answer: D

14. Which of the following is not an advantage of artificial insemination________

A. Bring into play the characteristics of a good male animal

B. Improve breeding efficiency

C. Save the cost of raising males and transporting livestock

D. Improve the conception rate of dams

Answer: D

15. Which of the following statements is incorrect__________

A. Capacitation of sperm before in vitro fertilization

B. Ovulation is the discharge of a follicle from the ovary into the fallopian tube

C. In embryo transfer, egg flushing refers to flushing the embryos out of the uterus of the donor cow

D. When dividing blastocysts, the inner cell mass needs to be divided equally

Answer: B

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