Plant Tissue Culture MCQ with Answers Pdf

Multiple Choice Questions on Plant Tissue Culture

1. What is plant tissue culture?

(a) The technique of in vitro maintaining and growing cells

(b) The technique of in vivo growing cells

(c) The technique of growing plants in gardens

(d) The technique of cutting plants

Answer: A

2. During the differentiation of callus, when the value of cytokinein/auxin in the medium is high, the organ that induces differentiation is________

(a) root

(b) bud

(c) leaf

(d) embryoid body

Answer: B

3. Which of the following is not the purpose of plant tissue culture_______

(a) Production of artificial seeds

(b) Production of new varieties

(c) Production of pesticides

(d) production of antibodies

Answer: D

4. What is Callus?

(a) Tissues that grow to form an embryoid

(b) An unorganized actively dividing the mass of cells maintained in a culture

(c) An insoluble carbohydrate

(d) A tissue that grows from an embryo

Answer: B

5. What may happen when a plant is propagated by plant tissue culture techniques is_________

(a) genetic mutation

(b) genetic recombination

(c) Homologous chromosome segregation

(d) Trait segregation

Answer: A

6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of plant tissue culture__________

(a) rapid reproduction

(b) Cultivation of virus-resistant plants

(c) Generally do not change the genotype of the original plant

(d) Two processes of dedifferentiation and redifferentiation are required

Answer: B

7. The sequence of plant tissue culture process is_______

① isolate plant organs, tissues or cells

② roots and shoots development

③ callus formation

④ Sterilization and transfer on medium

⑤ Redifferentiation

⑥ plant body

(a) ①④③⑤②⑥

(b) ①④③②⑤⑥

(c) ①⑤④③②⑥

(d) ⑥①④③⑤②

Answer: A

8. In plant tissue culture, the general choice when cutting carrot explants_________

(a) Parts with xylem

(b) Part with phloem

(c) Parts with forming layers

(d) part with pith

Answer: C

9. What is an explant?

(a) A part of plant grown under soil

(b) Any part of a plant taken out and grown in a test tube

(c) A specific part of a plant grown in a test tube

(d) Leaves grew under test tube

Answer: B

10. Scientists isolated the cells of carrot phloem and cultured the isolated cells on the medium to obtain many complete plants. The characteristics of these plants are:

(a) are very similar to each other

(b) The mutation frequency is very high

(c) haploid

(d) homozygous

Answer: A

11. What is protolast?

(a) Cell wall + Plasma membrane

(b) Plant cell - cell wall

(c) Cytoplasm + cell wall

(d) Plasma membrane - cytoplasm

Answer: B

12. Which of the following is not a application of plant tissue culture techniques_______

(a) Cultivation of virus-free potato plants

(b) Cultivation of octaploid triticale

(c) Cultivation of cabbage-cabbage hybrid plants

(d) Production of "artificial seeds"

Answer: B

13. Which of the following options does not use plant tissue culture techniques___________

(a) Haploid plants were obtained by in vitro culture of anthers

(b) Polyploid plants are obtained by treating germinated seeds or seedlings with colchicine

(c) Extraction of antitumor drug paclitaxel from cultured Taxus chinensis cells

(d) Breeding "Tomato-Potato" Hybrid Plants Using Cell Engineering

Answer: D

14. Totipotency refers to ___________.

(a) Development of fruits from flowers in a culture

(b) Development of an organ from a cell in a culture medium

(c) Flowering in a culture medium

(d) All of the above

Answer: B

15. Which of the following statements about sterilization in plant tissue culture is false________

(a) Explants can be sterilized with alcohol

(b) Instruments such as tweezers need to be sterilized with alcohol

(c) Before operation, hands need to be disinfected with alcohol

(d) The medium needs to be autoclaved

Answer: B

16. The fastest way to obtain homozygous plants from heterozygous seeds is to:

(a) Planting→F 2→Select non-segregating→Homozygous

(b) Planting → colchicine treatment → homozygous

(c) Planting→anther culture in vitro→haploid seedling→colchicine treatment→hozygous

(d) Planting→colchicine treatment→anther culture in vitro→hozygous

Answer: C

17. The callus redifferentiates to form various tissues and organs of the plant, and then develops into a complete plant, usually requiring____________

① light

② suitable temperature

③ nutrients

④ hormones

⑤ CO 2 incubator

⑥ cellulose and pectinase

(a) ①②③④

(b) ①③⑤⑥

(c) ②③④⑤

(d) ②④⑤⑥

Answer: A

18. Egg cells are germ cells that are generally not used in biotechnology__________

(a) Plant tissue culture to form test tube seedlings

(b) In vitro fertilization to breed test-tube animals

(c) Receptors in the nucleus of cloned animals

(d) Form fertilized eggs to breed transgenic animals

Answer: A

19. Which of the following statements about plant tissue culture and animal cell culture is correct______

(a) Both have the same theoretical basis

(b) Both use liquid medium

(c) Both can be used to breed biological individuals

(d) Plant tissue culture can be used to produce drugs, and animal cell culture can produce some important protein biological products

Answer: D

20. In the process of cultivating new crop varieties, plant tissue culture technology is often used. Which of the following statements is correct________

(a) The new individuals obtained by cultivating transgenic explants belong to the mutant individuals

(b) In the process of plant tissue culture, a large number of beneficial mutants can be obtained by inducing physical and chemical factors

(c) The theoretical basis of plant tissue culture technology is the totipotency of cells

(d) Homozygous diploid can be obtained by two processes of meiosis and tissue culture in haploid breeding

Answer: C

21. During plant tissue culture, the use of auxins and cytokines can affect experimental results. Which of the following statements is correct_______

(a) The ratio of the dosage of the two hormones affects the experimental results

(b) The order in which the two hormones are used affects the experimental results

(c) The concentration of the two hormones when used affects the experimental results

(d) All the above statements are correct

Answer: D

22. Which of the following is true about the factors that affect plant tissue culture?

(a) Different plant tissues have different degrees of difficulty in culturing the same plant material.

(b) In plant tissue culture, plant hormones must be added to the medium

(c) The roles of auxin and cytokine in plant hormones are independent of each other

(d) pH, temperature, light conditions, etc. are particularly important for plant tissue culture

Answer: D

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