Noise Pollution Multiple Choice Questions

Noise Pollution MCQ with Answers Pdf

1. Noise is_________

A. An unwanted noise

B. An irritant

C. A source of stress

D. all of the above

Answer: D

2. Noise pollution is measured in:

A. hertz

B. fathoms

C. nanometers

D. decibles

Answer: D

3. What is noise?

A. Desirable sound

B. Desirable and unwanted sound

C. Undesirable and unwanted sound

D. Undesirable and wanted sound

Answer: C

4. In which unit sound is measured?

A. Kilometer

B. Pascal

C. Kilogram

D. Decibel

Answer: D

5. Which of the following statements is true about noise _______

A. It is impossible for pleasant music to become noise

B. Noise cannot be attenuated

C. Although noise can affect people's work, study and rest, it has little effect on people's health.

D. Sound waves with irregular waveforms are noise

Answer: D

6. The upper safe noise level is__________

A. 80 dB

B. 85 dB

C. 90 dB

D. 92 dB

Answer: B

7. What is the dB of a threshold of pain?

A. 100

B. 110

C. 120

D. 146

Answer: D

8. Which of the following sounds is not noise________

A. The sound of a plane taking off and landing

B. clamor in the market

C. Students singing in music class

D. Late at night, the sound of the piano playing in the adjacent room

Answer: C

9. Possible health effects of noise pollution includes______

A. Hearing loss

B. Hypertension

C. Cardiovascular effects

D. All of the above

Answer: D

10. Which of the following statements is true:

A. Noise will pollute the environment, and the reflection of light will also cause pollution

B. Noise will pollute the environment, light is clean without pollution

C. The speed of sound waves and light is reduced after reflection

D. Both sound waves and light travel from air to water with the same speed

Answer: A

11. Regarding noise, which statement is correct_______

A. Musical sounds are not noise under any circumstances

B. A sound with a frequency of more than 90 vibrations per second must be classified as noise

C. To protect sleep and rest, the noise should not exceed 50 decibels

D. Noise can only be attenuated at the source, no other way

Answer: C

12. How can we reduce the noise in industries?

A. By not using the heavy machinery

B. By using rigid sealed enclosures

C. By using more robotics

D. By reduce the production of the industries

Answer: B

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