Cell the Unit of Life NEET Questions | Class 11

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Cell the Unit of Life NEET Questions is a Scoring topic where candidates can attempt to solve a maximum number of accurate questions and increase their overall score count in the NEET exam. Not only in NEET exams but in other competitive exams as well, Cell the Unit of Life is considered to be the most scoring Scoring and Simple Chapter. The aim of this Chapter Cell the Unit of Life Class 11 NEET Questions is to test candidates’ awareness and knowledge regarding the Cell Cycle and Cell Division.

These NEET Questions on Cell the Unit of Life for class 11 Pdf Download will help students score in the upcoming NEET exam and perform better in competitive exams, such as CET, NET, SET. Hence, it is suggested to students to solve all these Cell cycles and Cell Division Questions for NEET with their problem-solving skills and cross-check the answers. Also, try to maintain a time limit for each question. Below is the list of all the Important MCQ on Cell the Unit of Life. Here you can get the MCQs with answers and also download PDFs provided for each topic for extra Cell Unit of Life NEET Questions to practice more.

Cell the unit of life NEET Questions

NEET Questions on Cell the Unit of Life

1. Which of the following statements regarding mitochondrial membrane is not correct?

(1) The outer membrane resembles a sieve

(2) The outer membrane is permeable to all kinds of molecules.

(3) The enzymes of the electron transfer chain are embedded in the outer membrane.

(4) The inner membrane is highly convoluted forming a series of infoldings.

Answer: 3

Read: Chemical Coordination and Integration MCQ 

2. Which of the following statements regarding cilia is not correct?

(1) Cilia contain an outer of nine doublet microtubules surrounding two single microtubules.

(2) The organized beating of cilia is controlled by fluxes of Ca2+ across the membrane.

(3) Cilia are hair-like cellular appendages.

(4) Microtubules of cilia are composed of tubulin.

Answer: 2

3. Which one of the following is not a constituent of the cell membrane?

(1) Phospholipids

(2) Cholesterol

(3) Glycolipids

(4) Proline

Answer: 4

Read: Digestion and Absorption NEET MCQs 

4. Select the wrong  statement from the following :

(1) The chloroplasts are generally much larger than mitochondria

(2) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain an inner and an outer membrane

(3) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bounded by the thylakoid membrane

(4) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain DNA 

Answer: 3

5. Polysome is formed by_______

(1) A ribosome with several subunits

(2) Ribosomes attached to each other in a linear arrangement

(3) Several ribosomes attached to a single mRNA

(4) Many ribosomes attached to a strand of endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: 3

Read: Diversity in Living World NEET Questions 

6. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form ATP?

(1) Ribosome

(2) Chloroplast

(3) Mitochondrion

(4) Lysosome

Answer: 3

7. Fluid mosaic model was proposed by:-

(1) Singer and Nicolson

(2) Jacob and Monad

(3) Schleiden and Schwann

(4) Rudolf Virchow

Answer: 1

Read: Human Reproduction NEET Questions 

8. Which of the following is true for nucleolus?

(1) Larger nucleoli are present in dividing cells.

(2) It is a membrane-bound structure.

(3) It takes part in spindle formation.

(4) It is a site for active ribosomal RNA synthesis.

Answer: 4

9. The Golgi complex participates in

(1) Fatty acid breakdown

(2) Formation of secretory vesicles

(3) Respiration in bacteria

(4) Activation of amino acid

Answer: 2

Read: Human Health and Disease NEET Questions 

10. Which cell organelle divides the intracellular space into two distinct compartments, i.e. luminal (inside) and extraluminal (cytoplasm) compartments?

(1) Golgi body

(2) Mitochondria

(3) Endoplasmic reticulum

(4) Lysosome

Answer: 3

11. A student came out with cell fractionation of tissue and forgot to label his tubes. The contents of one tube when studied showed organelles bounded by a membrane with the activity of catalase enzyme. These organelles could be:-

(1) SER

(2) Chloroplast

(3) Lysosome

(4) Peroxisome

Answer: 4

Read: Microbes in Human Welfare NEET Questions 

12. Which of the following is observed in the interphase nucleus?

(a) Chromatid, (b) Chromatin, (c) Centriole,

(d) Nucleolus, (e) Centromere, (f) Kinetochore

(1) a, b, c

(2) Only b

(3) a, b, c, f

(4) b and d

Answer: 4

13. A researcher made an observation about a protein made by ribosomes and eventually used to build a cell’s plasma membrane. The protein in the membrane was actually slightly different from the protein made by the ribosome, the protein was probably passed through -

(1) Rough endoplasmic reticulum

(2) Golgi apparatus

(3) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

(4) Ribosomes

Answer: 2

Read: Molecular Basis of Inheritance NEET Questions 

14. If living cells, similar to those found on earth, were found on another planet, where there was no oxygen, which cell organelle would most probably be absent?

(1) Ribosomes

(2) Golgi apparatus

(3) Mitochondria

(4) Endoplasmic Reticulum

Answer: 3

15. Plant and prokaryotic cells are similar to each other but differ from animal cells:-

(1) In possessing 70 S ribosomes

(2) In possessing cell wall

(3) In possessing Glycocalyx

(4) In possessing inclusion bodies

Answer: 2

16. Ratio of protein and lipid in the membrane of erythrocytes of a human being is:-

(1) 1.8 

(2) 1.3 

(3) 0.80 

(4) 0.60

Answer: 2

17. Which of the following are correct for the cell which has naked ds circular DNA?

(a) Both 70S and 80S ribosomes

(b) Histone absent

(c) Compartmentalisation of cytoplasm absent

(d) Always diploid

(1) a and d

(2) b and c

(3) a and c

(4) b and d

Answer: 2

18. Which of the following is/are function(s) of hypochondria?

(I) Chemical modification of lipids and proteins

(II) Detoxification

(III) Formation of acrosome

(IV) Glycogen synthesis & breakdown

Choose the correct option –

(1) I and II are incorrect

(2) I and III are correct

(3) II is incorrect and the remaining are correct

(4) II and III are incorrect

Answer: 2

19. Cilia differ from flagella:-

(A) in having a small size

(B) in having non-coordinated movement

(C) in taking part in attachment, feeding, and sensation

(D) in number of microtubules

(E) in working like oars

Choose the correct option:-

(1) A, C, and E

(2) A, C, D, and E

(3) A, B, C, D, and E

(4) B and D

Answer: 1

20. Vacuole in a plant cell:-

(1) Lacks membrane and contains air

(2) Lacks membrane and contains water and excretory substances

(3) Is membrane-bound and contains storage proteins and lipids

(4) is membrane-bound and contains water and excretory substances

Answer: 4

21. In germinating seeds, fatty acids are degraded exclusively in the:-

(1) Peroxisomes

(2) Mitochondria

(3) Proplastids

(4) Glyoxysomes

Answer: 4

22. Keeping in view the "fluid mosaic model" for the structure of cell membrane, which one of the following statements is correct for the movement of lipids and proteins from one lipid monolayer to the other (described as flipflop movement)?

(1) While proteins can flip-flop, lipids can not

(2) Neither lipids nor proteins can flip-flop

(3) Both lipids and proteins can flip-flop

(4) While lipids can rarely flip–flop, proteins can not

Answer: 4

23. Plasmodesmata are:-

(1) Connections between adjacent cells

(2) Lignified cemented layers between cells

(3) Locomotary structures

(4) Membranes connecting the nucleus with


Answer: 1

24. Middle lamella is composed mainly of:-

(1) Phosphoglycerides

(2) Hemicellulose

(3) Muramic acid

(4) Calcium pectate

Answer: 4

25. Cytoskeleton is made up of:-

(1) Proteinaceous filaments

(2) Calcium carbonate granules

(3) Callose deposits

(4) Cellulosic microfibrils

Answer: 1

26. (a) granular structure

(b) first observed under the electron microscope as dense particles by George Palade

(c) composed of RNA and proteins

(d) not surrounded by any membrane

The above-given statements are true for which cell organelle?

(1) Nucleolus

(2) Ribosomes

(3) Cristae

(4) Chloroplast

Answer: 2

27. Find incorrect statements about centrosome and centrioles:-

(a) Centrosomes are surrounded by amorphous pericentriolar material

(b) In centrosome, both centrioles lie parallel to each other in which each has an organization like the cartwheel

(c) Centrioles are made up of nine unevenly spaced peripheral fibrils of tubulin

(d) Hub is the central proteinaceous part of the centriole

(e) Proteinaceous radial spokes connect the hub to peripheral triplets

(1) a,b, e

(2) only b

(3) b, c

(4) All are correct

Answer: 3

28. What is true about ribosomes?

(1) These are found only in eukaryotic cells

(2) These are self-splicing introns of some RNAs

(3) The prokaryotic ribosomes are 80 S where"S" stands for sedimentation coefficient

(4) These are composed of ribonucleic acid and proteins

Answer: 4

29. Ribosomal RNA is actively synthesized in:-

(1) Nucleoplasm

(2) Ribosomes

(3) Lysosomes

(4) Nucleolus

Answer: 4

30. Which one of the following cellular parts is correctly described?

(1) Ribosomes - those on chloroplasts are larger

(80 S) while those in the cytoplasm are smaller (70 S)

(2) Lysosomes-optimally active at a pH of about 8.5

(3) Thylakoids-flattened membranous sacs forming the grana of chloroplasts

(4) Centrioles - sites for active RNA synthesis

Answer: 3

31. Which one of the following structures is an organelle within an organelle?

(1) ER

(2) Mesosome

(3) Ribosome

(4) Peroxisome

Answer: 3

32. The Golgi complex plays a major role :

(1) in post-translational modification of proteins and glycosidation of lipids

(2) in trapping the light and transforming it into chemical energy

(3) in digesting proteins and carbohydrates

(4) as energy transferring organelles

Answer: 1

33. A major site for the synthesis of lipids is :

(1) Nucleoplasm

(2) RER

(3) SER

(4) Symplast

Answer: 3

34. Telomerase is an enzyme that is a –

(1) RNA

(2) Ribonucleoprotein

(3) Repetitive DNA

(4) Simple protein

Answer: 2

35. Protein synthesis in an animal cell occurs –

(1) On ribosomes present in the cytoplasm as well as in mitochondria

(2) On ribosomes present in the nucleolus as well as in the cytoplasm

(3) Only on ribosomes attached to the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum

(4) Only on the ribosomes present in the cytosol

Answer: 1

36. Which of the following is not common in chloroplasts & mitochondria?

(1) Both are present in animal cells

(2) Both contain their own genetic material

(3) Both are present in eukaryotic cells

(4) Both are present in plant cells

Answer: 1

37. 70 S type of ribosomes found in:-

(1) Prokaryotic cells

(2) Prokaryotic cells, chloroplasts, and mitochondria

(3) Mitochondria

(4) Nucleus, mitochondria

Answer: 2

38. Cell organelle which is called cell engine is:-

(1) Ribosome

(2) Lysosome

(3) Vacuoles

(4) Endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: 1

39. Select the correct statement from the following regarding cell membrane:-

(1) Lipids are arranged in a bilayer with polar heads towards the inner part

(2) Fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane was proposed by Singer and Nicolson

(3) Na+ and K+ ions move across the cell membrane by passive transport

(4) Proteins make up 60 to 70% of the cell membrane

Answer: 2

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