Human Health and Diseases NEET Questions

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Human Health and Disease NEET Questions for NEET Entrance Examination are important for the aspirants. We have compiled a list of NEET Questions on Human Health and Disease to give aspirants an idea about the intricacies of the NEET Exam. In this article, we listed some of the MCQ questions as per the entrance syllabus.

Our MCQ on Human Health and Disease for NEET basically are practice Questions that are prepared purely based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus of the NEET entrance examination. These are a simulation of actual exams practicing which aspirants can gauge their actual potential with below MCQ. These Human Health and Disease NEET questions Pdf help candidates analyze NEET Exams better and also, elevate their performance as practicing these will let you apprehend the type of questions asked and the level of NEET exam.

Human Health and Disease NEET Questions

Human Health and Disease NEET Questions Pdf

1. Type-I diabetes is_________

(1) insulin-dependent

(2) insulin non-dependent

(3) aldosterone dependent

(4) glucocorticoids dependent

Answer: 1

Read: Locomotion and Movement MCQ 

2. Which of the following is not an autoimmune disease?

(1) Psoriasis

(2) Rheumatoid arthritis

(3) Alzheimer's disease 

(4) Vitiligo

Answer: 3

3. In which disease does mosquito-transmitted pathogen cause chronic inflammation of lymphatic vessels?

(1) Elephantiasis

(2) Ascariasis

(3) Ringworm disease 

(4) Amoebiasis

Answer: 1

Read: Microbes in Human Welfare MCQ 

4. Erythropoiesis only occurs in_______

(1) Erythroblast

(2) Myeloid tissue

(3) Proerythroblast

(4) Reticulocytes

Answer: 2

5. Which one is correct?

(1) Turner's syndrome - XO monosomy in females

(2) Down's syndrome - XO monosomy

(3) Klinefelter's syndrome - XXY in females

(4) Sickle cell anemia - X-linked dominant disease

Answer: 1

Read: Molecular Basis of Inheritance MCQ 

6. Cri–du–chat syndrome in humans is caused by the________

(1) Fertilization of an XX egg by a normal Y–bearing sperm

(2) Loss of half of the short arm of chromosome 5

(3) Loss of half of the long arm of chromosome 5

(4) Trisomy of 21st chromosome

Answer: 2

7. Antibodies in our body are complex_______

(1) Lipoproteins

(2) Steroids

(3) Prostaglandins 

(4) Glycoproteins

Answer: 4

8. HIV that causes AIDS, first starts destroying____________

(1) B–lymphocytes

(2) Leucocytes

(3) Thrombocytes

(4) Helper T–lymphocytes

Answer: 4

9. In a standard ECG, which one of the following alphabets is the correct representation of the respective activity of the human heart?

(1) P – depolarisation of the atria

(2) R – repolarisation of ventricles

(3) S – the start of systole

(4) T – end of diastole

Answer: 1

10. Which one of the following statements is correct?

(1) Malignant tumors may exhibit metastasis

(2) Patients who have undergone surgery are given cannabinoids to relieve pain

(3) Benign tumors show the property of metastasis

(4) Heroin accelerates body functions

Answer: 1

11. Which of the following is a pair of viral diseases?

(1) Typhoid, Tuberculosis

(2) Ringworm, AIDS

(3) Common Cold, AIDS

(4) Dysentery, Common Cold

Answer: 3

12. A person likely to develop tetanus is immunized by administering________

(1) Weakened germs

(2) Dead germs

(3) Preformed antibodies

(4) Wide spectrum antibiotics

Answer: 3

13. Use of anti-histamines and steroids give a quick relief from__________

(1) headache

(2) Allergy

(3) Nausea

(4) Cough

Answer: 2

14. Sickle cell anemia has not been eliminated from the African population because_______

(1) It is controlled by recessive genes

(2) It is not a fatal disease

(3) It provides immunity against malaria

(4) It is controlled by dominant genes

Answer: 3

15. Both sickle cell anemia and Huntington's chorea are_________

(1) Bacteria–related diseases

(2) Congenital disorders

(3) Pollutant–induced disorders

(4) Virus–related diseases

Answer: 2

16. Select the correct statement from the ones given below________

(1) Cocaine is given to patients after surgery as it stimulates recovery

(2) Barbiturates when given to criminals make them tell the truth

(3) Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a pain killer

(4) Chewing tobacco lowers blood pressure and heart rate

Answer: 3

17. Which one of the following techniques is safest for the detection of cancers?

(1) Radiography (X-ray)

(2) Computed tomography (CT)

(3) Histopathological studies

(4) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Answer: 4

18. Which of the following is correct regarding HIV, hepatitis, and Pneumoconiosis?

(1) HIV is a virus and both are disease

(2) HIV and hepatitis are viruses and pneumoconiosis is a disease.

(3) HIV and hepatitis are viral diseases and pneumoconiosis is a bacterial disease

(4) All are viral disease

Answer: 1

19. Increased asthmatic attacks in certain seasons are related to_________

(1) Low temperature

(2) Hot and humid environment

(3) Eating fruits preserved in tin containers

(4) Inhalation of seasonal pollen

Answer: 4

20. Lysozyme that is present in perspiration, saliva, and tears, destroys________

(1) Most virus-infected cells

(2) Certain fungi

(3) Certain types of bacteria

(4) All viruses

Answer: 3

21. Which one of the following conditions in humans is correctly matched with its chromosomal abnormality/linkage?

(1) Erythroblastosis fetal –X linked

(2) Down syndrome – 44 autosomes + XO

(3) Klinefelter's syndrome –44 autosomes +XXY

(4) Colour blindness – Y linked

Answer: 3

22. The most active phagocytic white blood cells are_________

(1) Eosinophils and lymphocytes

(2) Neutrophils and monocytes

(3) Neutrophils and eosinophils

(4) Lymphocytes and macrophages

Answer: 2

23. Interferon_______

(1) Kills the virus in the virus-infected cell

(2) Kills the virus and destroy cancerous cell

(3) Stimulates the T.I.P. (Translation Inhibiting protein)

(4) Antibacterial

Answer: 3

24. The First line of defense of the body is_______

(1) Skin and Mucous membrane

(2) Neutrophils and Monocytes

(3) Fever

(4) Interferon

Answer: 1

25. Antigen is________

(1) Substances that stimulate the production of venom

(2) Vaccine

(3) Antibody production stimulating agent

(4) Part of the body defense system

Answer: 3

26. Which cell is not phagocytic in nature________

(1) Monocyte

(2) Macrophage

(3) Neutrophil

(4) N.K. cell

Answer: 4

27. Cell-mediated immunity is provided by__________

(1) B–lymphocytes 

(2) Plasma cells

(3) C–lymphocytes

(4) Thymus cells or Thymocytes

Answer: 4

28. Which is a primary lymphoid organ_____

(1) Bone marrow and spleen

(2) Spleen and thymus

(3) Bone–marrow and tonsils

(4) thymus gland and bone marrow

Answer: 4

29. Correct statement is________

(1) all tumors are not cancerous

(2) cancerous cells always show contact inhibition

(3) all cancers are caused by viruses

(4) all tumor cells show metastasis

Answer: 1

30. Which of the following is correctly matched with their chromosomal condition?

(1) Sickle Cell Anaemia – Heterozygous condition of HbS gene

(2) Down's Syndrome – Trisomy of chromosome 22

(3) Turner's Syndrome – XO condition.

(4) Klinefelter's Syndrome – Failure of cytokinesis after telophase.

Answer: 3

31. Which of the following is correct?

(1) Morphine used as sedative and pain-killer

(2) Cancer – Increases contact inhibition of cells

(3) Nicotine – Stimulates Islets of Langerhans to

release a hormone that acts on the liver to release enzymes to break down glucose.

(4) Snakebites – Antigens are injected

Answer: 1

32. The cell-mediated immunity inside the human body is carried out by_________

(1) Erythrocytes 

(2) T-lymphocytes

(3) B-lymphocytes 

(4) Thrombocytes

Answer: 2

33. Which of the following cannot be detected in a developing fetus by amniocentesis?

(1) Jaundice

(2) Klinefelter's syndrome

(3) Sex of the fetus

(4) Down's syndrome

Answer: 1

34. Infection of Ascaris usually occurs by_______

(1) mosquito bite

(2) drinking water containing eggs of Ascaris

(3) eating imperfectly cooked pork.

(4) Tse-tse fly

Answer: 2

35. Sexual phases (gametocyte) of Plasmodium occurs in_______

(1) Liver cells of human

(2) RBC of human

(3) Intestine of mosquito

(4) Salivary glands of the mosquito

Answer: 2

36. 'Down syndrome' is due to________

(1) Presence of an additional copy of chromosome 21

(2) Presence of an additional copy of X-chromosome

(3) Absence of one X-chromosome

(4) Presence of an additional copy of 7th chromosome

Answer: 1

37. Turner's syndrome is caused due to_________

(1) Loss of one X-chromosome (44 + XO)

(2) Loss of one autosome (43 + XX)

(3) Presence of one extra X-chromosome

(44 + XXY)

(4) Presence of one extra Y-chromosome

(44 + XYY)

Answer: 1

38. A plant or human cell infected by a virus forms a chemical to prevent itself from further viral infection. Identify the chemical_________

(1) Virions

(2) Interferons

(3) Anti-infection 

(4) Antivirion

Answer: 2

39. Name the chronic respiratory disorder caused mainly by cigarette smoking:-

(1) Emphysema

(2) Asthma

(3) Respiratory acidosis

(4) Respiratory alkalosis

Answer: 1

40. In the context of Amniocentesis, which of the following statement is incorrect?

(1) It is usually done when a woman is between 14-16 weeks pregnant.

(2) It is used for prenatal sex determination

(3) It can be used for the detection of Down syndrome

(4) It can be used for the detection of Cleft palate

Answer: 4

41. Asthma may be attributed to________

(1) bacterial infection of the lungs

(2) allergic reaction of the mast cells in the lungs

(3) inflammation of the trachea

(4) accumulation of fluid in the lungs

Answer: 2

42. In higher vertebrates, the immune system can distinguish between self-cells and non-self. If this property is lost due to genetic abnormality and it attacks self cells, then it leads to___________

(1) Allergic response

(2) Graft rejection

(3) Auto-immune disease

(4) Active immunity

Answer: 3

43. Pick out the correct statements :

(a) Haemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disease

(b) Down's syndrome is due to aneuploidy

(c) Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive gene disorder.

(d) Sickle cell anemia is an X-linked recessive gene disorder

(1) (a) and (d) are correct

(2) (b) and (d) are correct

(3) (a), (c) and (d) are correct

(4) (a), (b) and (c) are correct

Answer: 4

44. Which is an incorrect statement?

(1) Genital herpes if detected in the early stage then is completely curable.

(2) Gonorrhoea if detected in the early stage than is completely curable.

(3) HIV can be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy

(4) Hepatitis B can be transmitted even after the use of condoms.

Answer: 1

45. Transplantation of tissues/organs fails often due to non-acceptance by the patient's body. Which type of immune response is responsible for such rejections?

(1) Cell-mediated immune response

(2) Hormonal immune response

(3) Physiological immune response

(4) Autoimmune response

Answer: 1

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